I have complimented my extensive industry experience by attaining the Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety, Diploma of Quality Auditing, Diploma of Environmental Management, Cert IV in Training and Assessment and I am a trained Icam Lead Investigator.
I have also attended the CET ICEA approved four day course on Environmental and Sediment Control on Construction sites and completed Lead Auditor training under Exemplar Global.
11007NAT Diploma of Environmental Management
- BSBPMG522 Undertake project work
- BSBLDR503 Communicate with influence
- BSBSUS402 Implement an environmental management plan
- TLIU5006 Conduct environmental audits
- NWPGEN006 Implement and manage environmental management policies
- MSS027002 Apply environmental legislation, codes and standards
- MSS027001 Coordinate environmental management activities
BSB50920 Diploma Of Quality Auditing
- BSBAUD411 Participate in quality audits
- BSBAUD511 Initiate quality audits
- BSBAUD512 Lead quality audits
- BSBAUD513 Report on quality audits
- BSBAUD412 Work within compliance frameworks
- BSBAUD514 Interpret compliance requirements
- BSBAUD515 Evaluate and review compliance
- BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence
- BSBDAT501 Analyse data
- BSBOPS504 Manage business risk
- BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development
- BSBSTR502 Facilitate continuous improvement
BSB60619 Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety
- BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence
- BSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisation
- BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement
- BSBPMG621 Facilitate stakeholder engagement
- BSBWHS611 Develop and implement strategies that support work-related psychological health and safety
- BSBWHS612 Develop and implement a strategy to support a positive WHS culture
- BSBWHS613 Evaluate the WHS performance of an organisation
- BSBWHS614 Conduct a WHS audit under the guidance of a lead auditor
- BSBWHS616 Apply safe design principles to control WHS risks
- BSBWHS617 Apply ergonomics to manage WHS risks
- BSBWHS631 Apply occupational hygiene principles to manage WHS risks
BSB51312 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
- BSBWHS502A Manage effective WHS consultation and participation processes
- BSBWHS503A Contribute to the systematic management of WHS risk
- BSBWHS504A Manage WHS hazards and risks
- BSBWHS505A Investigate WHS incidents
- BSBWHS506A Contribute to developing, implementing and maintaining WHS management systems
- BSBWHS507A Contribute to managing WHS information systems
- BSBWHS509A Facilitate the development and use of hazard management tools
- BSBMGT516C Facilitate continuous improvement
- BSBWHS510A Contribute to implementing emergency procedures
BSB51307 Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety
- BSBOHS501B Participate in the coordination and maintenance of a systematic approach to managing OHS
- BSBOHS502B Participate in the management of the OHS information and data systems
- BSBOHS503B Assist in the design and development of OHS participative arrangements
- BSBOHS504B Apply principles of OHS risk management
- BSBOHS505C Manage hazards in the work environment
- BSBOHS508B Participate in the investigation of incidents
- BSBOHS509A Ensure a safe workplace
- BSBADM502B Manage meetings
TAE40110: Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- TAEASS401A Plan assessment activities and processes
- TAEASS402A Assess competence
- TAEASS403A Participate in assessment validation
- TAEDEL401A Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning
- TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace
- TAEDES401A Design and develop learning programs
- TAEDES402A Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs
- BSBCMM401A Make a presentation
- TAETAS401A Maintain training and assessment information
- TAEASS301A Contribute to assessment
Additional Training
- Lead Auditor Managment Systems (Exemplar Global)
- Icam Lead Investigator
- BSBWHS513 Lead WHS risk management
- BSBWHS515 Lead initial response to and investigate WHS incidents
- BSBWHS516 Contribute to developing, implementing and maintaining an organisation's WHS management system
- BSBWHS519 Lead the development and use of WHS risk management tools
- BSBWHS522 Manage WHS consultation and participation processes
- ICEA Fundamentals of Erosion and Sediment Control
- ICEA How to Use the IECA Guidelines
- ICEA Water Management on Construction Sites
- ICEA Preparing and Reviewing Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
- Lvl 2 Traffic Management
- 30977QLD Course in workplace drug testing (DATBRE001A, DATKNO001A, DATORA001A,DATURI001A)
- Apply First Aid (senior first aid)
- Fire Ant Awareness
- Operate Excavator
- Operate Skid Steer Loader
I also hold the National Certificate in Health and Safety Level 3 (NZ) and have completed the following industry related training.
- 18411 Explain organisational injury management procedures
- 17601 Produce an occupational health and safety incident investigation
- 20198 Identify the roles and responsibilities of the H&S representative in the workplace
- 25402 Prepare a workplace H&S improvement plan
- 17602 Apply hazard identification and risk assessment procedures in the workplace
- 17593 Apply safe work practices in the workplace
- 19522 Undertake job safety analysis
- 497 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements
- 9680 Communicate within an organisational context
- 9707 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace communications requirements
- 20877 Demonstrate knowledge of working safely at sites under temporary traffic management
- 20878 Assist with temporary traffic management for low volume and Level 1 roads
- 25510 Operate an atmospheric testing device to determine a suitable atmosphere exists to work safely
- 15757 Employ fall arrest systems on building and construction site.
- 17599 Plan a confined space entry
- 18426 Demonstrate knowledge of hazards associated with confined space
- 8859 Apply foreperson leadership and communication skills on civil construction site
- 17319 Supervise tasks on a civil construction site
- 6454 Demonstrate knowledge of safety principles and maintain safety on civil construction work
Training records and copies of certification available on request
Civil Construction - Demolition - Pipe laying - Road construction- Bulk and detailed Earthworks - Commercial and Industrial Construction - Geothermal Drilling - Work at heights - Confined space entry